Tips & Tricks
Below are several tips that will make your packing easier and your vacation more enjoyable.
- Use Google Maps to download an area you'll be traveling to. You can use it while offline so you don't use data for directions.
- Keep two copies of your passport when traveling out of the US. Leave one with family in the US and the other with your luggage.
- Use Google Translator to take a picture of a menu or sign that is written in another language and it will translate it.
- Enroll in Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). When travelling internationally, you can register your trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. In case of a crisis, they will be able to reach out to you and provide aid. Click here to register.
- Pack Clorox wipes and use them to disinfect door knobs, light switches, remotes, and other surfaces in your hotel room.
- Use binder clips to protect the blades of your razors.
- Use pool arm floaties or folded bath towels to protect your wine bottles in your luggage.
- Use an old shower cap to cover the bottom of your shoes to prevent dirt from getting on your clothes.
- Place plastic wrap between the cap and bottle of liquid toiletries to help prevent leaking.
- Place a rolled belt inside of a shirt collar to keep the collar's shape.
- Use a straw to keep your necklace from tangling. Unclasp the hook, thread one end through the straw, and close.
- Keep your earring pairs together by using a button.
- Make your luggage more identifiable by tying a uniquely printed scarf to your suitcase.
- Old eyeglass cases can be used to store chargers and ear buds.